Evaluating Chronic Pain Claims: Insights for QMEs

Chronic pain claims present unique challenges in workers’ compensation cases due to their subjective nature and complexity. For QMEs, accurately assessing and documenting chronic pain conditions like Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is essential for fair claim resolution.

Chronic Pain

Understanding Chronic Pain in Workers’ Compensation

  1. Definition:

Pain lasting beyond normal tissue healing, often over 12 weeks.

Common conditions include CRPS, neuropathy, and chronic back pain.

  1. Causes:

Repetitive stress injuries, poorly healed fractures, or nerve damage.

  1. Impact:

Chronic pain can lead to physical limitations, emotional stress, and decreased productivity.

Best Practices for QMEs in Chronic Pain Evaluations

  1. Thorough Patient History:

Include details about the initial injury, pain onset, and progression.

  1. Holistic Examination:

Assess physical symptoms, psychological impacts, and pain behaviors.

  1. Use Objective Tools:

Pain scales, diagnostic imaging, and nerve conduction studies.

  1. Evaluate Functional Impact:

Determine how chronic pain affects daily and work-related activities.

Reporting Guidelines

  • Detailed Findings: Clearly document symptoms, causation, and impact.
  • Impairment Ratings: Assign appropriate ratings using AMA guidelines.
  • Treatment Recommendations: Include suggestions for pain management therapies or accommodations.


Chronic pain claims require careful evaluation to ensure a fair and accurate resolution. QMEs must adopt a methodical approach to assess these cases thoroughly. Sound Medical Evaluations provides training and support to help QMEs navigate the complexities of chronic pain evaluations effectively.

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